Truth be told...

Truth be told....

Jun 1, 2010

Angel Therapy Cards

Some look to scripture, some to self help books, some just look up and beg for an answer...

I believe that knowledge, even thousands of years old is inspired of god. I believe hints and pieces of gold are spread out under every rock, contained in every ocean, traveling upon the wings of nature, and even right there in your reflection. We know the answers to whatever we question, it just takes digging beyond our first layer of humaness. Being shallow never pays off, dig deeper!

Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Card:

today's card: Twin Flame

I was terrified when this card was given today. I asked for a card that the world needed, that would cause influence, create answers... however, on this topic I tend to not feel like too much of an expert. Twin Flames usually have a lot to do with LOVE. Scary huh, of course, a twin flame can influence and help in all matters of life. A twin flame is a connection to a person, like no other. From different lifetimes, to different countries, you are connected, you are destined. Whether you have met, your lives are impacted by one another. In our daily lives we go about, dating... searching... and when a night of doing just that doesnt pan out so well... we flop on to our beds in despair, and begin speaking talking to that one person we did not meet tonight, that we failed to find once again. Well, he/she hears you, feels you. Speak louder and more frequently. Draw this person closer, work on allowing yourself to feel worthy of this amazing connection. This predestined love affair. It seems prevelant for me to say that as corny as it sounds LOVE IS IN THE AIR! Breathe it in...


  1. So glad to see you writing here again! Love your deep words of advice :-)
    Can't wait to read more!

  2. Well, I never! You, telling us that there is this thing called a predestined love affair-it seems like the world has turned upside down. I guess once and a while we need our world flipped-thanks for being the one to remind me that love is still in the air!
