Truth be told...

Truth be told....

Jun 2, 2010

Be the person you want to Find

...continued from yesterday

Got a lot of texts and questions regarding the Twin Flame Card, loved all of it, thank you for reading. Here goes an extra tid-bit I believe needs to be shared:

We must complete ourselves! Individually we don't want to search for someone to complete us, having two whole people enter into this journey is the only way to experience the love of your life. Now i am not saying you must be perfect, so don't be trivial, be deep. Think about it, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, sexually... do you know yourself, have you created yourself. If he heard your voice could he tell you apart from the rest. Are you distinctly you. Is your laugh your own? Do your clothes hug your curves and scream out the woman you are inside? If not you have some shopping to do before you meet Mr. This Lifetime. This work that needs to be done, shouldn't be rushed either, it's a beautiful journey, a process that cannot be duplicated, every ones is different. Mine came in the form of forcing myself to look at myself without makeup, and still find the reflection beautiful. I had to imagine my walk, and praise the sound of my heels on the cement floor. I felt tall (I'm 5'0). Everyday is an opportunity for me to fall in love with myself, not just physically, but in every way. In my deeds, my thoughts, my compassion. My drive is sexy... my humor can save lives... what is it about you that will draw your twin flame to you. Who are you becoming? Are you in love with that person?


1 comment:

  1. Amazingly inspiring, thanks for sharing your heart with us :-)
