Truth be told...

Truth be told....

Dec 29, 2009


When I make more money, when I lose the weight, when I meet the right person...

What a horrible mentality we've developed! Wait wait wait! Everyone including me is guilty of this, waiting until you think you've reached that plateau and deserve to be happy or to live the way you want or buy that dream home or those dream jeans! Stop waiting. You have arrived. This is the day you wake up and fall in love with yourself. Before you say all the right things say thanks to your voice for having such a sweet sound. Before you've lost that baby fat, look in the mirror and truly admire what stands before you. Even in the midst of the relationship your in, whether it's prince charming or prince right here and now, revel in the love and companionship human contact brings. Why do we wait for things to look finished before enjoying the process, the journey. I have arrived. I'm not saying to stop striving for better, to stop planning for more. I am speaking on the way we ignorantly ignore our present status (Alive). The way we feel during the storm not the moment you've got the umbrella up and all is well, but that time when you were stuck in the rain and yelling at the top of your lungs how things would be better when!!!!!! when you get a new car, a job that pays more, a degree that identifies how brilliant you are...
You are brilliant right now, you are ready to be happy at this very second, you're ready to be successful, and to appreciate your life in it's entirety. Live like the white picket fence surrounds you, let it follow you to the job that just pays the bills, or the classes that seem to never end, let your goals and dreams follow your lead, your voice. Tell this world what you want, and then walk like you own your steps (which by the way you do).